Thursday, May 29, 2008

Book Recycling

Hi folks,

A while back I found a small second hand book store in Mont Kiara which is quite off the beaten track. They were willing to take books of my hands and sell them on, very useful I feel - I just cannot seem to bring myself round to throwing books away.
Anyway, to cut a long story short, recently they have stopped taking books citing they may be closing soon.. Oh well..

I wonder if any of you guys know a good place I can send old books to? Or being part of this book club, I could bring them into work and let you guys have them in a book 'pool' of sorts - although some of these books may not be to your taste?!

Let me know your thoughts..

Monday, May 19, 2008

Monty Hall

Another book I would recommend would be "The curious incident of the dog in the night time". Small and easy reading, this book won several awards when it was first published in 2003.

Told in a first person perspective - the story is narrated by a 15 year old autistic boy who starts off telling the story of his life by starting with the night when he found his neighbour's pet poodle dead in the yard.

An interesting section in this book is when the "Monty Hall problem" was explained. The puzzle that was brought up went something like this ;

Suppose you're on a game show, and you're given the choice of three doors: Behind one door is a car; behind the others, goats. You pick a door, say No. 1, and the host, who knows what's behind the doors, opens another door, say No. 3, which has a goat. He then says to you, "Do you want to pick door No. 2?" Is it to your advantage to switch your choice?

Most people would say that the chances are still 50-50 and most would not opt to switch doors. However, according to Marilyn vos Savant (woman with the world's highest IQ) she states that given the situation, you should always change your answer, as it will give you a higher chance of winning the car.

Hard to believe? Go read the book :)

ps - Mitch Albom's "for one more day" , there's actually a movie for it! unbelievable and here i was thinking when they would direct a movie based on it.

i doubt it would be good. :(

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

It's not how good you are...

The first thing that caught my eyes was the title. It such a strong words .. It's not how good you are, it's how good you wanna be .. The title says it all ..
From my interpretation, it's telling me that it's not what I do, it's how I do it that make it good ..
When we were small, our parents and teachers love to tell us how to do stuff their way .. and if we did it in different way, then it's wrong .. their way was always the best.. Well, time change .. it's always change .. only people don't really realize it .. Successful people always do things differently .. look at things differently and feel things differently ..
So this book tells you to do it diferently..
"Find the difference that make the difference"
and remember:
"Don't be afraid of silly ideas"
There's a lot more answers in this book. Answers to your daily life .. Paul put it in a very easy and fun to read.. You won't feel bored reading this book although some of the answers you already know.. I would highly recommend this book for all!!!
Paul Arden, an eccentric, revered creative responsible for some of the U.K.'s most popular advertising during his 14 years as Saatchi & Saatchi's executive creative director, died April 11,2008 of a heart attack.

Monday, May 5, 2008

Zing the prince of reading says...

Yo first post from me!

Not that good at articulating on blogs itself, so I'll try to keep it simple by giving a few recommendations on some of the books I've read (and have, it you guys would like to borrow)

For One More Day (Mitch Albom) - The thing about most of Mitch Albom's books is that its usually starts off semi-sad depressing , which then builds up to a heart-warming, self discovering plot, with the stories' protaganist achieving closure at the end.

"For One More Day" tells the tale of a washed-up ex baseball player, whom once had the potential of playing among the greats. The story is told in a narrative format, emphasizing the reason of why he tried to commit suicide a few years before the story was told, and how he met up with his late mother while he was in state of coma, and spent one last day with her.

Rating - 3.9/5

The Five People You Meet in Heaven ( Mitch Albom) - A similar plot structure as "For One More Day", with a heart-warming end.

The story starts of describing the life of a lonely and uncontent amusement park serviceman. The plot picks up when he dies and was told that he would meet 5 special people in his life, who would give him the answers to all the questions he spent his life thinking about.

Just like "For One More Day", the protaganist finds closure at the end, although both books contained certain twists to the plot to make you go "ohhhhh" :)

Rating 4/5

Will come up with more reviews later..

Comments on the Book's I've Read...

I've read two books so far and currently reading thru Awakening the Giant Within, since its a Giant thick book its probably gonna take me a while to complete.. Ok, so here goes...

Who Moved My Cheese: I think I've got phobia of Cheese after reading this =S In a nutshell the book stresses the difference between those are willing to take a step ahead & those who would rather sit back and wait for possibilities. Its about persistence, perseverance and willingness to accept change, its an insightful book in which we can relate to as we are facing change; moving over to EDS and all :)
Thank god for its few pages and large font My rate : 3.75/5

Next is It's Not how Good You Are; It's How Good You Want To Be: 4 words; Self motivating, Self assessment
My rate : 2/5

New Books In da House!!

Thanks to Madam Moisselle Phoenix... We have 4 New Books to add to our Club's Collection:-
1) For One More Day - Mitch Albom
2) Winning - Jack Welch
3) Twelve Red Herrings - Jeffrey Archer
4) The Innocent Man - John Grisham

Ladies & Gentlemen,
Just to highlight some important points as members of the book club:0)
- Respective members are responsible for their own books lent or borrowed (member to member)
- Please be responsible with books/reading materials borrowed/lent. Please keep them in good condition as when you received them (like no dog-ears, no highlighting or markings) oh.. am sure everyone knows how to handle books :)
Anyways, if anyone has any invidual request or expectations on handling their books, pls feel free to bring them up no issues! Or we could personally inform our friend's when loaning the book ;)

Still looking forward for more ideas or suggestion, dont hesistate to blog em..

Friday, May 2, 2008

Hi All,

Just would like to add on to Audrey's note. Apart from posting the titles of books that you have, do also come up with suggestions and ideas on how we can make the club more interesting. I earlier suggested if we could subscribe to weekly or monthly magazines like Times, Newsweek or Forbes (that's if our fund permits ;) .

Will update the titles that I have in the next post. My collection consists of all genre, and about 90% books are all in English.

Until then, signing off, - Fazeela

Wednesday, April 30, 2008


Hi there everyone, Audrey here though I suspect you already know that from looking at my username. Thanks to Michelle for hosting this blogsite, I think it is a great idea to not only read books but express your opinions about the book by posting up your views and reviews.

It would be great if everyone in the club can be a part of this blogsite to post up what sort of books they have, what they want to borrow from someone and also what they feel about a certain book they read. Since alot of us belong to different shift hours, this is a good place we can communicate at any time.

I will need to do some cleaning up and then post up a list of books that I have, so you guys may borrow from me. (and I you :D) I'm just giving you a general view of the genres I read: fantasy, action, comics (mostly in mandarin, some english and some malay).

Pei Yin: I also have chinese romance novels~ :P

Calling all Wormies

hi there wormies,
Welcome to the club.

Moi is Phoenix, and i have many comics in English, Malay but not in Chinese sorry.
Let the epic begins....

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

New Books Onboarded

Hi All,
The CNFE Book Club has purhased 6 new books for our reading pleasure:-
1. Awaken the Giant Within : Anthony Robbins
2. It's Not how Good You Are; It's How Good You Want To Be : Paul Arden
3. Who Moved My Cheese : Dr Spenser Johnson
4. The Seven Lost Secrets of Success : Joe Vitale
5. Think & Grow Rich : Napoleon Hill
6. Dare to Win : Mark Victor Hansen & Jack Canfield

We have created 2 Spreadsheets for our tracking purposes which will be temporarily placed in the Common Folder as stated below:-\\\asia-pac\Corporate\SITI Cyberjaya\Dept_05\AP CTS\Common\CNFE Book Club
-> MembersBooks
-> CNFEBookClub

Interested to have a read of any one of the selection above, pls refer to the spreadsheet and I shall pass you the books.

Upcoming : We will be purchasing more non-fictional & fictional books soon to add on to our collection...

Monday, April 28, 2008

Welcome to CNFE Book Club Peepz =)

Calling all Bookworms...
It's time to wiggle our Club into action!

This blog is formed for our sharing interest..Use this space to express your views on the latest books, articles, magazines you have read or share any constructive ideas to contribute towards to Book Club
.............. Let’s begin Chapter 1 ..............