Thursday, May 29, 2008

Book Recycling

Hi folks,

A while back I found a small second hand book store in Mont Kiara which is quite off the beaten track. They were willing to take books of my hands and sell them on, very useful I feel - I just cannot seem to bring myself round to throwing books away.
Anyway, to cut a long story short, recently they have stopped taking books citing they may be closing soon.. Oh well..

I wonder if any of you guys know a good place I can send old books to? Or being part of this book club, I could bring them into work and let you guys have them in a book 'pool' of sorts - although some of these books may not be to your taste?!

Let me know your thoughts..

1 comment:

Mohd Nadzri Kamsin said...

Ya Lok,
Aku masih ingat kau. Sampai 2 blog kau.