Monday, May 5, 2008

Zing the prince of reading says...

Yo first post from me!

Not that good at articulating on blogs itself, so I'll try to keep it simple by giving a few recommendations on some of the books I've read (and have, it you guys would like to borrow)

For One More Day (Mitch Albom) - The thing about most of Mitch Albom's books is that its usually starts off semi-sad depressing , which then builds up to a heart-warming, self discovering plot, with the stories' protaganist achieving closure at the end.

"For One More Day" tells the tale of a washed-up ex baseball player, whom once had the potential of playing among the greats. The story is told in a narrative format, emphasizing the reason of why he tried to commit suicide a few years before the story was told, and how he met up with his late mother while he was in state of coma, and spent one last day with her.

Rating - 3.9/5

The Five People You Meet in Heaven ( Mitch Albom) - A similar plot structure as "For One More Day", with a heart-warming end.

The story starts of describing the life of a lonely and uncontent amusement park serviceman. The plot picks up when he dies and was told that he would meet 5 special people in his life, who would give him the answers to all the questions he spent his life thinking about.

Just like "For One More Day", the protaganist finds closure at the end, although both books contained certain twists to the plot to make you go "ohhhhh" :)

Rating 4/5

Will come up with more reviews later..

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