Wednesday, April 30, 2008


Hi there everyone, Audrey here though I suspect you already know that from looking at my username. Thanks to Michelle for hosting this blogsite, I think it is a great idea to not only read books but express your opinions about the book by posting up your views and reviews.

It would be great if everyone in the club can be a part of this blogsite to post up what sort of books they have, what they want to borrow from someone and also what they feel about a certain book they read. Since alot of us belong to different shift hours, this is a good place we can communicate at any time.

I will need to do some cleaning up and then post up a list of books that I have, so you guys may borrow from me. (and I you :D) I'm just giving you a general view of the genres I read: fantasy, action, comics (mostly in mandarin, some english and some malay).

Pei Yin: I also have chinese romance novels~ :P

Calling all Wormies

hi there wormies,
Welcome to the club.

Moi is Phoenix, and i have many comics in English, Malay but not in Chinese sorry.
Let the epic begins....

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

New Books Onboarded

Hi All,
The CNFE Book Club has purhased 6 new books for our reading pleasure:-
1. Awaken the Giant Within : Anthony Robbins
2. It's Not how Good You Are; It's How Good You Want To Be : Paul Arden
3. Who Moved My Cheese : Dr Spenser Johnson
4. The Seven Lost Secrets of Success : Joe Vitale
5. Think & Grow Rich : Napoleon Hill
6. Dare to Win : Mark Victor Hansen & Jack Canfield

We have created 2 Spreadsheets for our tracking purposes which will be temporarily placed in the Common Folder as stated below:-\\\asia-pac\Corporate\SITI Cyberjaya\Dept_05\AP CTS\Common\CNFE Book Club
-> MembersBooks
-> CNFEBookClub

Interested to have a read of any one of the selection above, pls refer to the spreadsheet and I shall pass you the books.

Upcoming : We will be purchasing more non-fictional & fictional books soon to add on to our collection...

Monday, April 28, 2008

Welcome to CNFE Book Club Peepz =)

Calling all Bookworms...
It's time to wiggle our Club into action!

This blog is formed for our sharing interest..Use this space to express your views on the latest books, articles, magazines you have read or share any constructive ideas to contribute towards to Book Club
.............. Let’s begin Chapter 1 ..............